ハンガリーセントラル・ハンガリーの旅行ガイド 観光


地名 緯度 経度
Bust of Gábor Szarvas 47.500645 19.046783
Ferenczy Museum 47.664345 19.076069
Old Town 47.667816 19.076136
Kincsem Park 47.49701 19.122185
Berlin Wall Memorial 47.50683 19.06525
Párizsi Nagyáruház 47.50372 19.06152
Corvin Mozi 47.48607 19.07056
Király Street 47.50057 19.060905
Szent Gellért Monument 47.489933 19.045486
Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts 47.511112 19.073334
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism 47.538715 19.043198
Corvin Plaza 47.486088 19.072369
Little Boy Fountain (Kisfiús díszkút) 47.492943 19.05331
Budapest Park 47.467686 19.07766
Krepostnaya Mountain 47.49679 19.040237
Carl Lutz Memorial 47.49757 19.06037
Bela Bartok Memorial House 47.528336 18.991915
Pet Zoo on the Margaret Island 47.52355 19.0494
Petofi Csarnok (PeCsa) Flea Market 47.44359 19.185713
Olimpia park 47.510956 19.046383
Originart Gallery 47.502167 19.050167
Kiscelli Museum 47.537777 19.028389
Tragor Ignác Museum - Memento Mori Exhibition 47.777798 19.12724
Postatakarékpénztár 47.5056 19.0524
The Dreschler Palace 47.50206 19.059177
Hermes Fountain 47.494522 19.052502
Belvarosi Szent Anna Templomigazgatosag 47.49519 19.05327
St. Francis's Wounds Church 47.50753 19.03838
Statue of Gróf Károlyi Sándor 47.5155 19.082407
Óbuda 47.49951 19.036
Cathedral 47.75595 19.14538
Bubble Football Budapest 47.45653 19.1827
Museum of Music History 47.50386 19.032707
Miksa Roth Memorial House 47.503414 19.081451
Raoul Wallenberg Holocaust Memorial Park 47.49544 19.06279
Zelnik Istvan Southeast Asian Gold Museum 47.512177 19.072905
Madach Theatre 47.50109 19.068314
Statue of the Independence War 47.499653 19.035297
VinoPiano Wine and Tapas bar 47.483612 19.072578
Museum of Sweets & Selfies 47.502197 19.060278
National Wine Museum 47.66869 19.077135
Fény Utca Market 47.508694 19.02457
Centennial Memorial 47.5148 19.04332
Iron Curtain Monument 47.506813 19.065596
Mai Mano Haz 47.50355 19.05986
Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library 47.48894 19.06414
University Church 47.49081 19.05709
Papp László Budapest Sports Arena 47.501835 19.106129
Klotild palaces 47.49314 19.05486
Sándor Petőfi Statue 47.492836 19.050678
Tropicana Casino 47.496395 19.049353
Normafa 47.503246 18.965225
Golden Eagle Pharmacy Museum 47.500687 19.034174
Blagovestenska Church 47.66758 19.0766
Saint Gerard Statue 47.48953 19.04553
ペテーフィ橋 47.48649 19.05101
Memorial to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence 47.44954 19.14808
Statue of Mounted András Hadik 47.500908 19.032822
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